Things change (a little more)

Took the opportunity over the weekend to change a few things in my Social Bookmarking section on my site.

I’ve removed a few buttons and I’ve added a few more. If you don’t like the new mix, I am known to (sometimes) take suggestions. Do tell.

For a detailed list of changes (and some thoughts), read on…
Took the opportunity over the weekend to change a few things in my Social Bookmarking section on my site.

I’ve removed a few buttons and I’ve added a few more. If you don’t the mix, I am known to (sometimes) take heed to suggestions. Do tell.


Backflip: I didn’t end up liking this one, so I’ve removed it.

BlinkBits: Spammed out.

CiteULike: This is for citations and academically oriented people. I’m not one of them. :) This one shut down and moved to Simpy.

GiveaLink: Hmmm…… didn’t like this one too much.

LookLater: For private bookmarking, not suitable for posting on blog posts.

Squidoo: For creating published lenses. Not really suitable, either.

Zurpy: Can’t find a way to access public bookmarks. I think this one is private-only as well.


Blabb: Cool ajax based social bookmarking site.

BM Access: Nice one.

Bookmark Tracker: Slightly klunky looks, but the content is nice.

The Butterfly Project: Ok. I like the name. And Dutch people. Go figure.

i89: Cool concept, let’s you create short URLs at * Gives away cash prizes for the best linkers.

IndiaGram: Indian Social Bookmarking site.

IndiaMarks: Another Indian Social Bookmarking site.

IndianPad: Yet another Indian Social Bookmarking site.

iTalkNews: Comprehensive point based ranking system. Users earn XP points for whatever they do. Relatively spam free.

Memigo: Uses a “bloggy” feel, while calling itself a forum.

Some Thoughts
I’ve only done these changes on my site template. The blogger and wordpress templates continue to be the way they were. I’m waiting for some feedback on my move to remove (and also not include) some sites. Some of these were spam filled, some not really suitable, and some  shut down.

The proliferation of Indian Social Bookmarking sites (Is this a global trend? Are there small sites popping up with local links as I speak?) is quite amazing to see. The content add on these sites is slower than the biggies, but it is definitely relevant – usually.

Monetization of the user’s experience seems to be the new way to get the links in. Simpy does it by offering adsense revenue, i89 does it with cash prizes, I wonder if the biggies are going to have to adopt this strategy as well.

Some sites don’t have favicons at all (i89); some screwed up in .ico to .png transparency. I’ve fixed these where I could. If anybody wants to contribute with better looking icons, I’d be very appreciative. :)

I’ve reduced the font on the tooltip by one size and also removed extra spacing in between the icons. It should come that teensy-weensy bit down faster to you now. And it looks a little neater as well. Tell me what you think.

A great big shoutout to 3spots for maintaining THE most comprehensive lists of these things. I used the 3spots blog for reference and opinion forming.

4 thoughts on “Things change (a little more)”

  1. Cool. Thanks!

    Ah yes, remembering visitor details for comments. I’ve got that one figured out, it’ll just take me another weekend to fix. Probably next Saturday/Sunday.

    Blinkbits: Check out the recent links – a lot of them lead to commercial / buy me pages.

  2. Good post! Wish everybody would tell us stuff like this. Enfact it’s much more powerfull than any comparaison review! It shows what you like and need.
    BlinkBits spammed? what do you mean?
    Happy you added blabb, butterfly, memingo and BMaccess!
    Zurpy: me too took time to access sharing, but you can. It is social.
    del.irious will shut down, soon! They write: Move Underway.

    …there on up there I don’t like, I won’t say it here…

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